Sandwich Terns

A few photo’s from a brief visit to the Sandwich Tern colony at the DWT reserve on Brownsea Island. The noise and non-stop action certainly helped to make it a memorable visit.

In addition to the Sandwich Terns there’s was also several pairs of Common Terns and a single pair of the rare Roseate Terns. Unfortunately the Roseate’s were too far away to photograph. Perhaps one for next year if there’s still a few pairs on Inner Farne.

Sandwich Tern in flight
Sandwich Tern in flight

 Sandwich Tern with Sandeel
Sandwich Tern bringing in a Sand-eel

 Sandwich Tern with Sandeel
and another one

 Sandwich Tern Colony
and yet another

 Sandwich Tern in flight

Apparently the day before our visit a Nightjar had spent all day roosting on one of the posts holding up the screens at the edge of the causeway to the MacDonald Hide – typical. Fortunately we were lucky enough to experience them flying over us at Arne.

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