The Countryside comes to Town

A strange few weeks.

First a mysterious evening visitor with an appetite for wasp nests.

Predated Wasp Nest Wasp Nest

Note: no footprints, no clean cuts from a spade to the nest, the soil or the adjacent roots, no spoil heap in fact absolutely nothing to suggest it was dug out by a person. However, whatever dug it out was powerful enough to excavate a relatively large area and throw the spoil backwards covering one side of the moss growing on the base of a nearby tree. There’s only one animal capable of this and they’re well known for having a fondness for wasp nests. Recent roadkill suggests they breed within an hours walking distance of the nest. Staggering as it may seem it looks like we have Badgers within the urban sprawl of Manchester.

Earlier this evening I came across more evidence of the countryside coming into town.

Rabbit Snare
Rabbit Snare

Incredible, we’re surrounded by shops, supermarkets, 24/7 fast food outlets and some sad person still feels the need to walk into their local park and set out a snare. (Note the blue rubber band fitted on the wire just to ensure the snare self tightens as the animal struggles). The local foxes, weasels and mink are more than capable of controlling the rabbits they certainly don’t need any help. I think I actually disturbed the moron who’d set the trap hence the dead rabbit abandoned on top of the fence post and the snare hanging from the rail.

Statistically the snare is as likely to kill a family pet. Just about the right size for a Jack Russell !

2 Replies to “The Countryside comes to Town”

  1. Hi,
    Regarding Badgers in Greater Manchester. There was a roadkill Badger on the Carrington Spur A6144 this Summer, on the bridge over the Mersey

    1. Hi Richard, interesting to hear about the dead badger on the Carrington Spur. A couple of years ago I noticed a dead one on the hard shoulder of the M60 just before Barton Bridge. To be honest at the time I thought it had probably been killed elsewhere and the body thrown out of a van. If you could let me know the approximate date I’ll let the local records centre know.

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