Scratch Arse Ware

Wind-blown Hawthorn and drystone wall, Langton Matravers
A few highlights from a far too brief walk through the National Trust managed Scratch Arse Ware in mid July. With Jake for company not an afternoon for a large camera and lens.

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Musk Thistle Pyramid Orchid
Wild Carrot. Unusually no sign of any Carrot Broomrape this year – probably a bit late.
The superb sight of a traditionally managed hay meadow in mid summer.

The sheer range of plants and insects was incredible with Lulworth Skippers, Marbled Whites and Gatekeepers being especially common. Even a couple of Silver-washed Fritillaries patrolled the bramble along the edges of the fields.

On this occasion in the heat of the mid-day sun there was absolutely no chance of a photo especially with a Border Collie taking a rather strong interest in the sheep grazing next door.

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