Peregrine on the cliffs at Durlston Country Park.
A myriad of Greater Knapweed, Wild Carrots, Yarrow, Rough Hawkbit amongst the meadows.
Distinctive flowers and seedheads of the Wild Carrot amongst a sea of Greater Knapweed.
No shortage of Bees at Durlston.
The sheer number of insects is remarkable, like stepping back into another era. During July and August a walk at dusk from the car park down to the Lighthouse will usually reveal several Glow-worms.
Field Scabious amongst the Rough Hawkbit.
With Small Scabious, Devil’s Bit Scabious, Wild Teasel and Small Teasel also found one of the very few sites we’ve been to where all the members of the Teasel family can be seen.
Bees still buzzing 🙂
Red Cage Fungus in the leaf litter close to the castle.
Durlston Country Park is probably the most reliable site in the country for this rare fungus more typically found in southern Europe and the Channel Islands.